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Autumn is finally upon us. Bringing darker mornings and even darker evenings…

Which take their toll on your health and mood.

The sun begins to set early…

It’s always raining…

And with the lack of sunlight and vitamin D, you end up feeling tired, sleepy… 

Or simply “under-the-weather.”

We’ve all been there. 

But did you know your gut could hold the key to feeling happier this autumn?

In fact, recent studies reveal just how important gut health is to your emotional wellbeing and mental health.


The Gut-Brain Axis 

Imagine your gut as your body’s capital city, full of trillions of tiny residents…

“Friendly bacteria,” which play a CRUCIAL role in your health.

Sending messages to your brain which control your emotions. Influencing your highs and lows…

Put simply, the right harmony of good and bad bacteria can help you thrive…

Reducing inflammation and enhancing immunity.

Leading to a balanced gut…a happier brain…and a healthier you.

In fact, this can reduce stress, anxiety and low mood.

But here’s the thing…

If you have too much bad bacteria…

It throws your hormones off balance, increasing stress and mood swings.

Yet all is not lost!

From taking a daily probiotic, to eating a varied diet full of the right foods for your digestive system…

It’s easy to maintain the perfect balance.

So here’s 6 unique “mood foods”

Scientifically proven to boost mood and improve your brain health. Nourishing you from within. 

To help you keep your gut bacteria and your brain happy throughout the year…


The 6 Best “Mood Foods” 

Oily Fish 

Packed with healthy omega-3 fats, oily fish is the perfect brain food. Try grilled salmon, mackerel or even sardines and anchovies. 

The omega-3 fatty acids are powerful antioxidants, shielding your nervous system, while also calming gut inflammation.

To help reduce bloating and discomfort…

What’s more, vitamins D and B12 can fight anxiety and low mood, so you can beat those autumn blues.


Turkey helps your body make serotonin, the “happy hormone”!

Which holds the key to emotional health, and – you guessed it – is produced in your gut.

In fact, a 2016 Melbourne University study revealed: 

It’s because turkey contains tryptophan…

Proven to kick-start your natural serotonin production.

Helping you sleep better at night, and feel more awake during the day.

It’s no accident we choose turkey for autumn and winter celebrations. 

Just think of those lavish Christmas dinners…

Lifting your spirits no matter how cold and gloomy the weather outside may be. 

Pumpkins & Winter Squash 

These autumn and winter staples are packed with magnesium, a so-called “miracle mineral,” crucial for brain health.

Relaxing the neurons in your brain, to help ease anxiety.

So, indulge in a thick, piping hot pumpkin soup, or a juicy roast squash.

You can also easily add these to smoothies and pasta sauces, for a quick, extra vitamin  boost. 

Dark Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale and chard…not just “nutritional powerhouses,” but mood-boosting champions.

Packed with magnesium, vitamins B and C…

Promoting relaxation in the nervous system and your muscles.

What’s more, high in fibre, leafy greens are crucial for your overall gut health…

Helping you balance blood sugar, plus stop mood swings and crashes. 

Fermented Foods 

A delight for your tastebuds, while also boosting your emotional wellbeing.

Yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are all PACKED with probiotics

✅ Feeding beneficial gut bacteria

✅ Helping reduce inflammation

✅ Stopping bloating

To support and strengthen your mental health

So, next time you savour a tangy spoonful of yoghurt or the crunch of kimchi…

Remember you’re not only nourishing your gut…

 But also a happier, more balanced mind. 

Dark Chocolate

A “gut-friendly” treat for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Now, everyone knows chocolate can improve your mood, but there’s actual science behind it.

Dark chocolate in particular is rich in polyphenols, crucial compounds for whole body wellness…

Supporting a healthy blood pressure, reducing inflammation and even boosting your focus and memory!

Dark chocolate acts as a unique prebiotic, nourishing the good bacteria in your gut.

oosting serotonin…

Releasing endorphins 

And giving you that “runner’s high” feeling!


Balanced Gut For A Balanced Mind 

As the seasons change and the days become shorter, it’s vital to prioritise your mental and emotional well-being…

By nourishing your body with the right foods.

To support your brain, reduce stress and boost your serotonin levels.

And for the days when you’re too tired or just not in the mood to cook…remember simple is best

A quick salad, an omelette packed with greens or a simple smoothie are easy alternatives for those blue days…

So, let your journey towards a healthier gut and brighter self begin with your next meal. 

What will you try first? 



Activ8 is a powerful formula, supporting normal joint function, mobility, and flexibility. 

Packed with eight clinically proven ingredients, it’s your key to active, healthy joints. 

But there’s still a lot you can do to help boost your Activ8’s results, alongside your daily capsules.

So here are Paul’s 3 easy, top tips. To help you enjoy being active and independent for years to come…

The Surprising Power of Habits 

Start by taking your three daily capsules of Activ8 Joint Complete daily.

We suggest taking Activ8 around the same time every day. This will make it easier for you to remember and help form a consistent habit.

Keeping the bottle by your bedside, near your toothbrush, or on the kitchen counter can also serve as a daily reminder.

You see, it’s important to create a consistent routine. To help you stick to it…

So you can see the best results possible. 

The Truth About Exercise 

Regular physical activity is essential for joint health. 

Even minimal activity can help keep your joints flexible and agile. So we suggest gentle walking, swimming, or yoga, if you can. 

Don’t forget to make sure you listen to your body and don’t overexert yourself. 

Helping your joints feel stronger and more flexible over time. So that walk up the hill or the stairs climb won’t feel so daunting. 

And if you’d like to find out more about the best exercises for your joints, have a look at this blog post

Try Some Extra “Joint Defenders” 

As you know, Activ8 is packed with 8 powerful “joint defenders”… Including curcumin, eggshell membrane and type II collagen. 

But this doesn’t mean you can’t also boost your results, by adding some of these defenders to your diet as well. 

In fact, what you eat is crucial to your joint health. 

As the right nutrients can give extra support to your ligaments, joints and muscles. “Cushioning” your joints from further damage and inflammation. 

That’s why we suggest foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins.

So think of fatty fish, like salmon and mackerel, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and berries rich in vitamin C. 

Your Journey to Healthy Joints

Optimising joint health is a journey involving more than just taking your daily supplements.

Small changes in your daily routine, diet, and exercise can have a significant impact…

So you can boost your results and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle for a long time to come. 

Without joint pain holding you back from the things you love. 

You see, thousands have already seen amazing results with Activ8 Joint Complete. And you’ll be there too with time… 







We all know we should be aiming to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day… To meet our body’s basic needs.

But did you know recent studies suggest a new game plan?

Instead of 5 portions every day… Experts suggest eating a variety of different plants throughout the week.

The new recommendation? 30 different plants a week

Helping You Thrive 

This recommended variety not only lowers your risk of disease… 

But also boosts your gut microbiome. Reducing inflammation and discomfort. Supporting a healthy weight. 

The secret lies in the diverse fibres your body can get this way. Instead of relying on a familiar few fruits and veg every week on repeat. 

Now eating 30 different plants might sound like a lot… 

Here’s the good news: it’s not just fruit or veg that counts.

In fact, legumes, grains, herbs, spices, nuts and seeds can all add towards your weekly 30. 

But Why 30? 

It’s not just a random number…

A 2019 study by the British and American Gut Project explored dietary habits. And how these affect your body and well-being. 

They found people who ate the largest variety of plant foods, had a happier, healthier gut. 

Leading to reduced risk of disease, a boosted immunity and even improved mood.

They found 30 plants to be an effective target for the best results. 

With 10 not being enough. 

And anything above 30 not making a big difference. 

Making It Work

It might seem daunting at first, but getting started is easier than you think.

Start off by counting the different plant foods you eat on a normal week. 

The number might be higher than you think. 

Remember: each different plant food counts as 1. And this includes different species of the same plant.

For example, tenderstem broccoli and normal broccoli count as 2 different plants. 

Herbs and spices count too. But only as ¼ of a plant. As the amounts you use in cooking are quite small. 

Now once you’ve figured out what your ‘normal score’ is… Try adding a couple new foods a week.

Take it slow until you’ve reached 30 or just about. 

Even small additions to your meals make a difference. Like crushed nuts in curries or chia seeds in your porridge. You could even swap regular pasta for lentil pasta.

And the best part? Good quality coffee, tea and 70% dark chocolate count too!

Embracing Variety 

Ultimately it’s not about hitting the perfect 30 all the time. But getting used to more variety in your diet. 

So you’re not only meeting your body’s nutritional needs… 

But also actively promoting a healthier gut. After all, it’s all about progress. 

So, will you give it a try? 






Staying fit, active, and mobile as you age often feels like an uphill battle.

But when you have stiff, painful, joints it can be extra challenging. 

That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide, showing you:

  • Why resting can actually make joint pain worse
  • 1 handy pre-exercise tip to loosen your joints (Not stretching!)
  • The 3 best exercises to relieve painful joints
  • How to get fit without aggravating your joints

To stop stiff, painful joints being a barrier to doing what you love…

And help you stay fit and mobile enough to hike, garden, and do whatever makes you happy. 

1. Warm Up (Literally!)

Before starting exercise, use a hot water bottle or heat pad to apply heat to painful joints. 

it should NOT be painfully hot. Use for roughly 20 minutes.

When you warm a sore joint, the blood vessels surrounding it get bigger. This allows more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to be delivered to the injury. 

In short, giving it what it needs to heal!

Heat will also relax the joint and the muscles around it. This makes them more flexible to move and stretch without injury.  

PAUL’S TOP TIP: Heating sore joints is a good idea even when you’re not about to exercise. Particularly at times when joint pain is bad – the mornings or in cold weather, for example.

2. Range-of-motion Exercises

These reduce stiffness by making your joints move in every direction they can.

If muscles and joints aren’t stretched on a regular basis, they’ll ‘shorten’. This means they become increasingly fixed in one position.

This makes it even more difficult and painful to move in the long term. 

Here are some examples of range-of-motion exercises: 

Roll your shoulders and hips in circles. Make a slow and controlled kicking motion with your knees.

These are gentle but important exercises you can do daily. Gradually lessening stiffness and pain so you can keep full use of your joints.

So you can keep reaching up, lifting things, bending down, and walking like normal.

3. Strength-Builders (with examples!)

It’s so important to strengthen the muscles around your sore joint.

You see, a strong frame around your weak joint will support and protect it. Preventing it buckling out of place. 

Keeping strong is also vital for staying able to walk, climb the stairs, and move around like you used to.

After all, studies show you can lose 4% of your muscle mass every year after 40!  

So here are some great exercises to strengthen the muscles around your knees, hips, and shoulders. (3 often problematic joints!)

Though it would be ideal to incorporate each one into your exercise routine 2-4 times a week…

When starting out, don’t push yourself too far. If any cause sharp pain, stop immediately.  

Start slowly and build up to trying them all. 


‘Seated Knee Extension

Sit on a chair and place a light resistance band around your ankles.

Slowly raise your knee until it locks. Hold this position for 7 seconds before slowly lowering your leg back to a seated position.

Repeat this 5 times on each knee. Repeat the set 3 times. 

PAUL’S TOP TIP: If the resistance band is too difficult – or you don’t have one – remove it and do the rest of the exercise as described. 

Knee Bends’ 

Stand a foot away from a wall with your knees hip-width apart. With your feet pointing slightly outwards.

Slide your back down the wall by slowly bending your knees. Do not let your knees go past your toes but point them in the same direction.

As you come up, focus on tensing the muscle above your knee and your buttocks.

PAUL’S TOP TIP: for a really smooth movement, put an exercise ball (or soft football) between your back and wall.


Hip Raise’  

Lie on the floor with your arms by your side and your knees pointing to the ceiling.

Engage your stomach muscles and lift your hips until your legs and stomach form a straight line. 

Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then, slowly lower yourself to the starting position. 

Repeat this motion 10 times. 

PAUL’S TOP TIP: If this is too hard, you can do the same movement but on the sofa so you don’t have to get down to the floor. 

Lifting your hips lower (so they don’t make the straight line with your stomach) will also make it easier. 

‘Sideways Walk

Place a light resistance band around your thighs (just above the knee).

Bend your knees to make a slight squat position and take long sideways steps (like a crab!) with your ankles meeting between each step. 

Take 5 steps in one direction before doing 5 in the opposite direction. Repeat this 5 times. 

PAUL’S TOP TIP: If you don’t have resistance bands, do the same movement but in a deeper squat position. To do this, bend your knees a bit more.


Emptying Cans

An odd name for an exercise but it’s great for shoulder strength and mobility. 

Place your arms by your sides and then push them slightly further back.

Turn your thumbs down and then raise your arms upwards towards your eyes. As you do this, rotate your wrists inwards (as though emptying two cans).

Hold this position for 10 seconds before slowly lowering your arms. 

Repeat 8 times.

If you want to make this more challenging, hold light weights as you do this motion.

4. ‘Joint-friendly’ Sports

Aerobic exercise (aka cardio) is anything that makes your heart beat faster than usual and quickens your breath. 

The best sports for fitness which also protect your joints are cycling and swimming. 

This is because they don’t make your joints have repeating hard and damaging impact with the ground. Unlike in running and jumping.

This means you can build your aerobic fitness (and strength too!) without having to damage your joints in the process. 

Try to do 2 hours of aerobic exercise per week. We recommend doing this over several days. Especially when first introducing exercise into your lifestyle.  

5. Ice

Whether you’ve done strengthening or aerobic exercise, it’s a good idea to ice your joints afterwards. 

It will reduce swelling and keep your joints moving more smoothly. Ice for roughly 20 minutes.

So there you have it!

Your perfect starter guide to building up your fitness, strength, and flexibility. All while actually protecting your joints and easing their pain. 

We know it works because Paul used these very exercises to get back to his usual, active self after his car accident. 

Just remember to start gently and build up your exercise routine so your body can get used to the new movements. 

And as we said earlier, if you feel a sharp pain when doing any of these exercises, stop immediately.

But we’re confident you’ll be just fine – and the more you do them, the easier they’ll become! 

So get up and active and you’ll be amazed by how long you can carry on walking, climbing, and pottering in the garden.