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Looking to experience life-changing results with Gut Rewild?

Then look no further…

Gut Rewild is specifically designed to support your digestive system and normal immune function.

Helping you feel energised and active with its game-changing pre- and probiotic formula. 

And to help you maximise your results, here are our four favourite tips…

1. Keep At It 

It goes without saying… Consistency is key with any supplement. Especially with one supporting your gut. 

So make sure to take one white capsule and one brown with water every day, at least for 2 to 3 months. 

We recommend taking your Gut Rewild roughly the same time every day. 

This will make it easier for you to remember and create a daily habit. 

2. Secret Superfoods

Fibre is essential, as it helps feed the good bacteria in your gut.

So alongside your daily Gut Rewild, you want to add plenty of fermented and fibre-rich meals. 

Think of dark leafy greens, apples, berries, pears. Plenty of whole grains and legumes, as well as yoghurt, kefir and fermented vegetables. 

The ideal variety for your gut to thrive. 

3. Your Progress Path  

There’s plenty of ways you can monitor your progress with Gut Rewild

To help you stay focused, motivate you to keep going and even boost your mood! 

So take note of how your digestion is feeling day in and day out. Keeping a health journal or even taking a few notes on your phone can be ideal. 

You can even try taking before and after photos. 

4. Sleep Rhythm

Quality sleep helps your body repair and regenerate. While disrupted sleep can increase inflammation and slow your digestion. 

Negatively impacting your gut microbiome. 

For this we suggest trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Even on weekends!

Aiming for at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night. 

You’re just getting started… 

Optimising your gut health is a journey involving more than just taking your daily supplements… 

Small changes in your diet, sleep patterns and daily routine can have a big impact. 

Helping you boost your results and stay consistent with your new health ritual. So you can feel your very best each day. 



Staying fit, active, and mobile as you age often feels like an uphill battle.

But when you have stiff, painful, joints it can be extra challenging. 

That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide, showing you:

  • Why resting can actually make joint pain worse
  • 1 handy pre-exercise tip to loosen your joints (Not stretching!)
  • The 3 best exercises to relieve painful joints
  • How to get fit without aggravating your joints

To stop stiff, painful joints being a barrier to doing what you love…

And help you stay fit and mobile enough to hike, garden, and do whatever makes you happy. 

1. Warm Up (Literally!)

Before starting exercise, use a hot water bottle or heat pad to apply heat to painful joints. 

it should NOT be painfully hot. Use for roughly 20 minutes.

When you warm a sore joint, the blood vessels surrounding it get bigger. This allows more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to be delivered to the injury. 

In short, giving it what it needs to heal!

Heat will also relax the joint and the muscles around it. This makes them more flexible to move and stretch without injury.  

DR PAUL’S TOP TIP: Heating sore joints is a good idea even when you’re not about to exercise. Particularly at times when joint pain is bad – the mornings or in cold weather, for example.

2. Range-of-motion Exercises

These reduce stiffness by making your joints move in every direction they can.

If muscles and joints aren’t stretched on a regular basis, they’ll ‘shorten’. This means they become increasingly fixed in one position.

This makes it even more difficult and painful to move in the long term. 

Here are some examples of range-of-motion exercises: 

Roll your shoulders and hips in circles. Make a slow and controlled kicking motion with your knees.

These are gentle but important exercises you can do daily. Gradually lessening stiffness and pain so you can keep full use of your joints.

So you can keep reaching up, lifting things, bending down, and walking like normal.

3. Strength-Builders (with examples!)

It’s so important to strengthen the muscles around your sore joint.

You see, a strong frame around your weak joint will support and protect it. Preventing it buckling out of place. 

Keeping strong is also vital for staying able to walk, climb the stairs, and move around like you used to.

After all, studies show you can lose 4% of your muscle mass every year after 40!  

So here are some great exercises to strengthen the muscles around your knees, hips, and shoulders. (3 often problematic joints!)

Though it would be ideal to incorporate each one into your exercise routine 2-4 times a week…

When starting out, don’t push yourself too far. If any cause sharp pain, stop immediately.  

Start slowly and build up to trying them all. 


‘Seated Knee Extension

Sit on a chair and place a light resistance band around your ankles.

Slowly raise your knee until it locks. Hold this position for 7 seconds before slowly lowering your leg back to a seated position.

Repeat this 5 times on each knee. Repeat the set 3 times. 

DR PAUL’S TOP TIP: If the resistance band is too difficult – or you don’t have one – remove it and do the rest of the exercise as described. 

Knee Bends’ 

Stand a foot away from a wall with your knees hip-width apart. With your feet pointing slightly outwards.

Slide your back down the wall by slowly bending your knees. Do not let your knees go past your toes but point them in the same direction.

As you come up, focus on tensing the muscle above your knee and your buttocks.

DR PAUL’S TOP TIP: for a really smooth movement, put an exercise ball (or soft football) between your back and wall.


Hip Raise’  

Lie on the floor with your arms by your side and your knees pointing to the ceiling.

Engage your stomach muscles and lift your hips until your legs and stomach form a straight line. 

Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then, slowly lower yourself to the starting position. 

Repeat this motion 10 times. 

DR PAUL’S TOP TIP: If this is too hard, you can do the same movement but on the sofa so you don’t have to get down to the floor. 

Lifting your hips lower (so they don’t make the straight line with your stomach) will also make it easier. 

‘Sideways Walk

Place a light resistance band around your thighs (just above the knee).

Bend your knees to make a slight squat position and take long sideways steps (like a crab!) with your ankles meeting between each step. 

Take 5 steps in one direction before doing 5 in the opposite direction. Repeat this 5 times. 

DR PAUL’S TOP TIP: If you don’t have resistance bands, do the same movement but in a deeper squat position. To do this, bend your knees a bit more.


Emptying Cans

An odd name for an exercise but it’s great for shoulder strength and mobility. 

Place your arms by your sides and then push them slightly further back.

Turn your thumbs down and then raise your arms upwards towards your eyes. As you do this, rotate your wrists inwards (as though emptying two cans).

Hold this position for 10 seconds before slowly lowering your arms. 

Repeat 8 times.

If you want to make this more challenging, hold light weights as you do this motion.

4. ‘Joint-friendly’ Sports

Aerobic exercise (aka cardio) is anything that makes your heart beat faster than usual and quickens your breath. 

The best sports for fitness which also protect your joints are cycling and swimming. 

This is because they don’t make your joints have repeating hard and damaging impact with the ground. Unlike in running and jumping.

This means you can build your aerobic fitness (and strength too!) without having to damage your joints in the process. 

Try to do 2 hours of aerobic exercise per week. We recommend doing this over several days. Especially when first introducing exercise into your lifestyle.  

5. Ice

Whether you’ve done strengthening or aerobic exercise, it’s a good idea to ice your joints afterwards. 

It will reduce swelling and keep your joints moving more smoothly. Ice for roughly 20 minutes.

So there you have it!

Your perfect starter guide to building up your fitness, strength, and flexibility. All while actually protecting your joints and easing their pain. 

We know it works because Dr Paul used these very exercises to get back to his usual, active self after his car accident. 

Just remember to start gently and build up your exercise routine so your body can get used to the new movements. 

And as we said earlier, if you feel a sharp pain when doing any of these exercises, stop immediately.

But we’re confident you’ll be just fine – and the more you do them, the easier they’ll become! 

So get up and active and you’ll be amazed by how long you can carry on walking, climbing, and pottering in the garden.

When it comes to making your dreams come true, age is just a number. 

In fact, Johanna Quaas proves this every time she steps onto the mat. Holding the title of the oldest competitive gymnast in the world. 

And her story is nothing short of extraordinary. 

Showcasing what dedication, passion, and a positive attitude can achieve… no matter your age. 

It’s Never Too Late

Born on November 20, 1925, in Germany, Johanna Quaas started her journey with gymnastics at a young age. 

Taking part in her first competition in 1934. 

However, her athletic career quickly took a backseat. Johanna moved on to work as a coach and physical educator. While also raising her family.

It wasn’t until much later in life when Johanna returned to her passion for gymnastics. 

At the age of 57, she began competing again…

Forging New Paths 

But, what’s even more remarkable?

In 2012, at the age of 86, Johanna was officially recognized by Guinness World Records… As the world’s oldest active competitive gymnast. 

And for her record win, she performed a floor-and-beam routine in Italy

But this incredible feat was only the beginning. 

Johanna continued to compete in the Landes-Seniorenspiele. A competition in Saxony, Germany. Continuing to showcase her skills and defying expectations.

In fact, her incredible routines have even made waves online…

As a video of her performance at the German Gymnastics Festival in 2017 went viral. And Johanna at the age of 91 captured the admiration of millions across the world.

Even Oscar-winning actress Viola Davis shared the clip. Calling Johanna her “spirit warrior” and a source of inspiration.

Her Secret To Success

So, what keeps Johanna going? 

She stresses the importance of a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. Even at the age of 98, she still exercises three or four times a week. 

But according to her, it’s not just about staying active. Maintaining a positive mindset is just as important.  

“My face is old, but my heart is young,”

This attitude has not only helped her stay fit, but also enjoy life to the fullest. Making her journey a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. 

Proving it’s never too late to start something new and achieve greatness.


If it feels like your joints are holding you back from achieving your goals…

Activ8 Joint Complete is for you. 

Helping you maintain healthy joints, so you can stay mobile and independent for years to come.  



Ever felt overwhelmed by diets and food rules?

Frustrated you keep putting on the weight you’ve just lost? 

Then intuitive eating might be your ticket to freedom. 

To help you stay healthy, without restrictions or guilt…

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is all about tuning into your body’s cues.

It was introduced in 1995 by dieticians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. As they noticed how their clients would struggle to keep weight off after a diet. 

So they recommended intuitive eating. 

Instead of following strict meal plans or counting calories…

With this technique you get to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. 

It’s about trusting your body to guide you towards foods that truly nourish you. Without denying yourself little treats here and there. 

What Does The Research Say?

Even though the amount of research on intuitive eating is still quite limited…

The results are more than promising. 

Intuitive eating connects physical and mental health, while allowing you to reconnect to your body’s cues.

With over 100 studies to date, it can help you easily maintain a healthy weight.  

How Does It Work?

Instead of following strict diet rules…

You tune into your body’s natural hunger and fullness signals. 

Meaning you eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.  Without any judgement or guilt. 

This encourages you to listen to your body’s needs. So you can enjoy all foods in moderation. 

You are encouraged to pay attention to how different foods make you feel.

Full and satisfied? Bloated, sluggish and unwell?

This will help you develop a healthier relationship with food… While also figuring out what works best for your body. 

Fostering a great sense of well-being overall. Mentally and physically.   

The Key Principles

Intuitive eating is guided by several key principles. 

Firstly, it encourages you to reject the diet mentality.

By ditching rigid food rules, you can start to honour your natural hunger. Eating when your body needs it. 

Intuitive eating also encourages you to trust your body. Making food choices based on what feels nourishing and satisfying for you.

More importantly?

No foods are labelled as “good” or “bad”. Allowing yourself to enjoy variety in moderation. 

Honouring Your Health

When it comes to being healthy, the number on the scales is not the be all and end all. 

With intuitive eating you can work on listening and trusting your body, while also looking out for your mind too. 

So you can say goodbye to strict diet regimes and food restrictions. 

A true game-changer for your health and mental well-being. Will you give it a try?