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We’re deep into winter and with it come colds, viruses and the flu.

Lots of people are also struggling with lack of energy and motivation. So staying healthy and active during this time of year can seem daunting. 

But it doesn’t have to be. 

In fact, by adding a few powerful herbs and spices to your diet, you can fortify your immune system, while also giving you a much needed boost of energy.

So here are the best herbs and spices for your health this winter. Most are probably already in your kitchen…


A true immunity guardian and the perfect addition to your roasts and stews. 

Rich in antioxidants, it can fight off bacteria and even help reduce inflammation. What’s more, studies show rosemary can improve blood circulation, memory and concentration.

Definitely needed during the darker mornings at work.

But the benefits don’t stop there. 

If you struggle with your mood during winter, rosemary oil can be just the thing for you.

As research shows, the sweet aroma of rosemary can improve your mood and relieve stress. 


Thyme was a popular medicinal herb in ancient Greece, used as incense and added to bath waters. 

Nowadays, thyme is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Making it a great decongestant if you have a cold.

It’s also rich in vitamins C and A, proven to support a normal immune system. 

So don’t be shy to sprinkle some extra thyme over your roast potatoes or pasta sauce. 


Not just a tasty spice for your cinnamon rolls. 

Its active component, cinnamaldehyde, regulates your blood sugar levels. Keeping your cravings in check and your energy levels up.

Cinnamon is also known to reduce inflammation, defending against infection, colds and the flu.

So next time you make your morning cup of coffee, why not add a few sprinkles of cinnamon?


Studies have shown ginger can boost your blood circulation, combating winter sluggishness and supporting a healthy heart. 

Making it a great addition to any heart-warming winter soup. 

What’s more, it’s a powerful antioxidant. Soothing joint and arthritis inflammation, which can be particularly worse because of the cold.

And if you do end up catching a cold, then hot lemon and ginger water is the perfect inflammatory for a sore throat. 


Another strong antioxidant. With studies linking it to lower blood pressure, because of its diuretic effects.

What’s more, adding cardamom to your curry or making cardamom cake can help  treat infections.

Easing congestion by opening up your airways, helping you breathe easily. 


Known for its vibrant yellow colour, which it gets from curcumin, its active component. 

As an anti-inflammatory, turmeric not only supports stronger joints and a smoother digestion, but also acts as a mood-booster.

You see, curcumin can support normal brain function and memory. Reducing anxiety and triggering your “happy-hormones”. 

Ideal for making it through the January’s blues. 

But don’t forget to pair turmeric with black pepper. As the combination helps your body absorb even more of turmeric’s active nutrients. By an impressive 2,000%! 


Another joint defender. Helping to soothe inflammation-related pain. 

And with its antibacterial properties, nutmeg can boost your immune system, preventing infections. 

And that’s just the start.

This soothing, delicious spice also promotes relaxation, easing tension and stress. Even supporting a better night’s sleep. 

So, with its warm and nutty flavour, it’s the perfect addition to a glass of mulled wine, a cup of homemade chai or your favourite dessert.

Winter Wellness

Winter can be a challenging time. 

With the holidays over and the dark cold nights, it’s easy to find yourself feeling under the weather. But some small additions to your diet can offer you the extra support you need during this time.

Herbs and spices will not only enhance your dishes, but also fortify your immune system and work as powerful energy and mood boosters. 

So you can make the most of the next few months, with a healthy body and a healthy mind. 

Ever wondered how far back in time diabetes goes?

In fact, at least all the way back to 1550 BC.

With some interesting names used for this disease, like “honey-urine”. And some questionable treatment practices people have tried through the ages…

So let’s take a trip down memory lane, and explore the fascinating history of diabetes. 

Ancient Egypt 

Ancient Egyptians were possibly the first to ever mention diabetes in writing…

In a scroll called the Ebers papyrus, they mention a rare disease causing the patient to lose weight rapidly and urinate frequently. 

Recommending diabetes should be treated with:

“A mixture including elderberry, plant fibres, milk, ‘beer-swill’, cucumber flowers, and green dates.”

They also suggest treating any urinary symptoms with rectal injections of olive oil, honey, sweet beer, sea salt, and seeds of the wonderfruit.”

No matter how exciting ‘wonderfruit’ sounds, the rest doesn’t seem so appealing. 


Around the 5th and 6th centuries, Ayurvedic doctors began to identify patients with diabetes.

Noticing not only their excess thirst and constant need to urinate, but also how diabetics’ urine was attracting flies and ants.

Soon they realised it tasted sweet and was sticky to the touch. This eventually prompted them to name diabetes madhumeha – or “honey urine”.

However, they still weren’t able to make the connection between these symptoms and blood sugar.


Chinese doctors noticed an epidemic of xiāo kě – “wasting thirst” spreading like wildfire through the population.

In fact, this is found in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Of Internal Medicine. 

And explained as the “three excesses and one loss”. Where the excesses are thirst, hunger, and urine. And the ‘loss’ refers to weight.

Even though these days, many diabetics gain weight – due to medication or a sedentary lifestyle.

Chinese doctors at the time would recommend abstinence from wine and salt as a diabetes remedy. 

Ancient Greece

Many ancient Greek medical authors mentioned the symptoms of diabetes throughout the centuries.

But it wasn’t until Aretaeus of Cappadocia, in the 2nd century AD, that the term ‘diabetes’ was finally coined. 

With the word coming from the Greek verb ‘διαβαίνω’ (diabaino), meaning ‘I pass through’. And diabetes meaning syphon

Aretaeus was also able to provide the first accurate description of the disease:

“Thirst; excessive drinking, which, however, is disproportionate to the large quantity of urine, for more urine is passed; and one cannot stop them either from drinking or making water. Or if for a time they abstain from drinking, their mouth becomes parched and their body dry; they are affected with nausea, restlessness, and a burning thirst; […] Thirst, as if scorched up with fire.”

In fact, people at the time believed fluid flowed through the body unchanged.

And surprisingly, it wasn’t until British doctor Thomas Willis (b. 1621), when they realised diabetes was a “distemper of the blood.”

20th Century BC

Fast forward to the 20th century…

Science has come on leaps and bounds. If you ignore the fact diabetics were prescribed opium until as late as 1915!

Some people were even force-fed special low-carb, sugar free diets, if they “lacked self-discipline”.

However, experts finally managed to single out the pancreas as the root of the problem. Thanks to the development of physics, chemistry and pharmacology.

Researchers spotted clusters of insulin-producing cells called “islets”, and carefully extracted insulin from them.

Then in 1916, Romanian scientist Niculae Paulescu used this insulin to lower the blood sugar of a diabetic dog.

But he was suddenly called up to fight in World War I, with Canadian scientists beating him to the finish line. 

Discovering and purifying insulin for clinical use in 1923.

In a breakthrough so important, four of them were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for it. Yet this sparked a huge controversy.

With many arguing the real “discovery” of insulin was the product of hundreds – if not thousands – of people’s work. All throughout the centuries…

Extraordinary Breakthroughs

Of course, science didn’t stop there.

Diabetes treatments continue to evolve day by day. With the first insulin pump invented in the 1970s by Dean Kamen…

All the way to 2013 and the University of Cambridge trials for an artificial pancreas. Combining the technology of an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor. 

A truly incredible history still unfolding. Who knows what the future still holds for diabetes…

The holiday season is right around the corner and with it come travelling and festive gatherings with family and friends. 

But amid all this Christmas cheer, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can seem daunting. 

Especially as you age, keeping to your health habits throughout the year is more important than ever.

Which is why we wanted to share the Physical Nutrition team’s favourite festive health tips. To help you keep your health in check while you enjoy the coming holidays.

Without worrying about colds, the flu or breaking your healthy habits. 


1. Plan Ahead Before You Travel

Whether you’re travelling by car, train or plane, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. 

Pack some healthy, nutritious snacks. Nuts, seasonal fruit or veg sticks are some easy options. 

To help curb your cravings while you’re travelling. Keeping you full and satisfied. 

So you won’t be tempted by the airport fast food chains or petrol station meal deals. 


2. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can  sneak up on you during travelling or the busy festive period. 

Which is why carrying a reusable water bottle is the perfect way to keep you on track. 

Easy to carry around with you and refill when needed. Even at the airport.

What’s more, water will help fortify your immune system and keep your blood sugar in check. 

So instead of calorie packed coffees or sugary soft drinks, why not try some natural flavoured water? 

Simply add fruit or herbs to your water for an extra flavour. A great way to motivate you to stay on top of your drinking goals. Cranberries, cucumber, mint or rosemary can be perfect choices for the season. 


3. (Try To) Stick To A Routine 

Holidays can throw your daily routines off balance. Especially when it comes to your sleep. 

So aim to stick to your normal sleep pattern as closely as possible.

Packing an eye mask or some earplugs can also help you get a restful night’s sleep, even in noisy environments. 

What’s more, if you’re regularly taking medication, it’s a good idea to set a reminder alarm on your phone. As the holidays bring multiple distractions, which could easily lead to missed doses. 


4. Don’t Forget Your Vitamin D

With reduced daylight around this time of year, comes a lack of vitamin D. 

So make sure you step outside the house when you can for a short walk, a stroll or even sitting in the garden for 5 minutes. 

This will not only support our vitamin D production, but also your mental well-being. 

Eating foods rich in vitamin D is also a great way to help your body during winter. Salmon, cheese boards, mushrooms and eggs are a great vitamin D source for an extra boost. 

This is crucial for your bones, brain health and energy levels. Keeping you in top form to enjoy the festivities.


5. Prioritise “Me Time”

The holidays can be busy and stressful. So now it’s even more important to allow yourself time to recharge. 

Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation, a short walk, a soothing bubble bath, or simply unwinding with a good book…

These can work wonders in keeping stress at bay, without taking up too much time. Because as they say: to look after others, you have to look after yourself first…


Final Thoughts

Balancing health amid all the festivities doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, it’s all about making conscious choices. Supporting your well-being while also relishing in the joy of the season. 

And don’t forget, the holidays only come once a year. So do make sure you’re kind to yourself and allow room for a little indulgence too. 

After all, you deserve it!



Can Eating Together Make Us Healthier?

Communal eating is an ancient practice with a long history. From the neolithic times, when shared meals were a sign of abundance, to modern day get-togethers.

People continue to come together and feast over shared dishes. And family dinners are still central to most cultures, especially around special occasions and celebrations. 

But why do we still do this? And could a shared meal have significant health benefits well beyond the creation of bonds? 

Let’s take a look… 

The Social

Picture this: a table full of vibrant dishes, laughter echoing through the air, and the warmth of connection with those around you. 

Whatever communal eating looks like for you, it still is a social feast. Creating bonds which transcend the simple act of just consuming food.

In fact, studies show sharing meals fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens relationships. Whether it’s a weekly family dinner or a gathering with your best friends.

These shared moments over glasses of wine and bowls of pasta can give you the chance and space to communicate without distractions. 

Helping you create a wider support network and strengthen relations.

The Psychological

Food is not just fuel for the body, but also the mind

Communal eating has clear psychological benefits, influencing our mood and emotional well-being. 

A 2017 study from the University of Oxford revealed how social eating not only creates bonds within the community, but can also make you feel happier

You see, the act of sharing a meal triggers the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone”.

Reducing feelings of loneliness, promoting trust and connection. 

What’s more, the ritualistic nature of eating together can also soothe stress and provide you with a sense of stability.

The Physical 

Now, let’s talk about the body. 

Communal eating is also a feast for your physical health. When you share meals, you tend to opt for healthier choices and a variety of dishes, which often lead to a more balanced diet

What’s more, research suggests people who eat together consume more fresh fruit and vegetables. 

With shared, home-cooked meals being more dense in nutrients. Reducing your risk of obesity and disease. 

Beyond these nutritional benefits, the act of eating slowly and savouring the moment can also aid digestion and prevent overeating…

Contributing to healthy weight management.

But what’s even more impressive?

Recent studies have shown the positive effect communal eating has on cardiovascular health. 

As we already said, eating with loved ones boosts your ‘happy hormones’. This helps keep your heart strong and your blood pressure down. 

The Creative 

Having people over for a meal or even a snack board, can be a great excuse to try something new.

A chance to browse recipes, experiment with different cuisines, fresh tastes and textures. 

Trying new dishes can help you (and your guests) discover new favourites. While also reducing stress and helping you blow off some steam. 

From quick 10-minute stir-fries to slow-cooked stews and casseroles…

Whatever is your cup of tea, cooking for others will definitely boost your creativity too.

Not Just A Table

Communal eating not only brings us together, but it also nurtures your emotional and physical well-being. 

So whether it’s a weekly family dinner or a casual gathering… 

Remember – the magic of communal eating goes far beyond the meal itself. 

It’s a recipe for a healthier, happier you. 

