Category: Health

Hay fever season is upon us…

And for many, it brings sneezing fits, itchy eyes, and overall discomfort.

But fear not! There are natural ways to combat hay fever and find relief without relying solely on medication. 

Here are five natural remedies to help you tackle those pesky symptoms and enjoy the outdoors with ease.

Local Honey

Did you know consuming local honey might help alleviate hay fever symptoms?

Local honey contains small amounts of pollen from your area. Acting like a natural vaccine against allergens. 

By regularly consuming a spoonful of local honey, you may build immunity to the pollen causing your hay fever.

 So, next time you’re at the farmer’s market, grab a jar of honey and give it a try!

Quercetin-Rich Foods

Quercetin is a natural compound found in many fruit, veg, and herbs. 

Acting as a potent antihistamine. 

So try adding quercetin-rich foods into your diet. Think apples, berries, dark grapes, onions, and kale. Even dill, capers and green tea. 

This way you can help reduce the release of histamines in your body. And help alleviate hay fever symptoms. 

Butterbur Extract

Butterbur, part of the sunflower family, is a plant native to Europe and Asia. 

It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments, including hay fever. 

All thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. 

Studies have even shown butterbur supplements can significantly reduce hay fever symptoms. Including sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes.

Without causing drowsiness like some over-the-counter medications. 

Steam Inhalation

A simple way to relieve congestion. Soothing irritated nasal passages. 

Simply, boil a pot of water. Then carefully lean over the steam with a towel draped over your head. Breathe deeply for a few minutes. 

This way the warm steam gets into your sinuses and helps loosen mucus buildup. 

For added relief, consider adding a few drops of essential oils. Like eucalyptus or peppermint. Or even some chamomile tea bags. 

These are known for their decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Nurture Your Gut 

Did you know a significant amount of your immune system cells live in your gut?

This means a balanced gut could help boost your body’s defence against allergens. Including those which trigger your hay fever. 

So try probiotic-rich foods: Natural yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi among others. 

Packed with beneficial bacteria your gut will love. Helping to strengthen your immune system. 

Natural Relief

Combating hay fever doesn’t have to mean relying solely on medication. 

By incorporating these natural remedies into your daily routine, you can help ease your symptoms.

So you can enjoy the beauty of spring. Without the hassle of hay fever holding you back.

Across the UK, thousands of men are enjoying a healthier prostate, reduced swelling and a return of normal urinary function.  

Every day we receive countless inspiring stories of how Protect + Perform has helped men regain their confidence and best health. 

Enjoying a more restful night’s sleep and trouble-free days, without the constant need ‘to go’. 

Here’s what they’ve got to say:

Improved Bladder Control 

 Protect + Perform has hundreds of 5-star reviews on Trustpilot and our website. 
Most people report more normal bladder function and control. As well as reduced swelling and discomfort. Allowing them to enjoy increased independence. 

Better Sleep 

Because of the return of normal bladder function, many men also report better sleep. 

Without waking up repeatedly needing to use the toilet. 

Normal Frequency & Flow

Protect + Perform combines 33 powerful prostate ingredients. Backed by science and carefully selected to support normal urinary function. 

Many people report increased flow, healthier frequency and more ease in fully emptying their bladder. 

Peak Men’s Health 

It’s amazing to see just how life-changing Protect + Perform can be to men of any age. 

Having helped hundreds of people already lead more confident, independent lives. 

Are you our next success story? Don’t forget to leave a review! 

Ever wondered how far back in time diabetes goes?

In fact, at least all the way back to 1550 BC.

With some interesting names used for this disease, like “honey-urine”. And some questionable treatment practices people have tried through the ages…

So let’s take a trip down memory lane, and explore the fascinating history of diabetes. 

Ancient Egypt 

Ancient Egyptians were possibly the first to ever mention diabetes in writing…

In a scroll called the Ebers papyrus, they mention a rare disease causing the patient to lose weight rapidly and urinate frequently. 

Recommending diabetes should be treated with:

“A mixture including elderberry, plant fibres, milk, ‘beer-swill’, cucumber flowers, and green dates.”

They also suggest treating any urinary symptoms with rectal injections of olive oil, honey, sweet beer, sea salt, and seeds of the wonderfruit.”

No matter how exciting ‘wonderfruit’ sounds, the rest doesn’t seem so appealing. 


Around the 5th and 6th centuries, Ayurvedic doctors began to identify patients with diabetes.

Noticing not only their excess thirst and constant need to urinate, but also how diabetics’ urine was attracting flies and ants.

Soon they realised it tasted sweet and was sticky to the touch. This eventually prompted them to name diabetes madhumeha – or “honey urine”.

However, they still weren’t able to make the connection between these symptoms and blood sugar.


Chinese doctors noticed an epidemic of xiāo kě – “wasting thirst” spreading like wildfire through the population.

In fact, this is found in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Of Internal Medicine. 

And explained as the “three excesses and one loss”. Where the excesses are thirst, hunger, and urine. And the ‘loss’ refers to weight.

Even though these days, many diabetics gain weight – due to medication or a sedentary lifestyle.

Chinese doctors at the time would recommend abstinence from wine and salt as a diabetes remedy. 

Ancient Greece

Many ancient Greek medical authors mentioned the symptoms of diabetes throughout the centuries.

But it wasn’t until Aretaeus of Cappadocia, in the 2nd century AD, that the term ‘diabetes’ was finally coined. 

With the word coming from the Greek verb ‘διαβαίνω’ (diabaino), meaning ‘I pass through’. And diabetes meaning syphon

Aretaeus was also able to provide the first accurate description of the disease:

“Thirst; excessive drinking, which, however, is disproportionate to the large quantity of urine, for more urine is passed; and one cannot stop them either from drinking or making water. Or if for a time they abstain from drinking, their mouth becomes parched and their body dry; they are affected with nausea, restlessness, and a burning thirst; […] Thirst, as if scorched up with fire.”

In fact, people at the time believed fluid flowed through the body unchanged.

And surprisingly, it wasn’t until British doctor Thomas Willis (b. 1621), when they realised diabetes was a “distemper of the blood.”

20th Century BC

Fast forward to the 20th century…

Science has come on leaps and bounds. If you ignore the fact diabetics were prescribed opium until as late as 1915!

Some people were even force-fed special low-carb, sugar free diets, if they “lacked self-discipline”.

However, experts finally managed to single out the pancreas as the root of the problem. Thanks to the development of physics, chemistry and pharmacology.

Researchers spotted clusters of insulin-producing cells called “islets”, and carefully extracted insulin from them.

Then in 1916, Romanian scientist Niculae Paulescu used this insulin to lower the blood sugar of a diabetic dog.

But he was suddenly called up to fight in World War I, with Canadian scientists beating him to the finish line. 

Discovering and purifying insulin for clinical use in 1923.

In a breakthrough so important, four of them were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for it. Yet this sparked a huge controversy.

With many arguing the real “discovery” of insulin was the product of hundreds – if not thousands – of people’s work. All throughout the centuries…

Extraordinary Breakthroughs

Of course, science didn’t stop there.

Diabetes treatments continue to evolve day by day. With the first insulin pump invented in the 1970s by Dean Kamen…

All the way to 2013 and the University of Cambridge trials for an artificial pancreas. Combining the technology of an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor. 

A truly incredible history still unfolding. Who knows what the future still holds for diabetes…

The holiday season is right around the corner and with it come travelling and festive gatherings with family and friends. 

But amid all this Christmas cheer, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can seem daunting. 

Especially as you age, keeping to your health habits throughout the year is more important than ever.

Which is why we wanted to share the Physical Nutrition team’s favourite festive health tips. To help you keep your health in check while you enjoy the coming holidays.

Without worrying about colds, the flu or breaking your healthy habits. 


1. Plan Ahead Before You Travel

Whether you’re travelling by car, train or plane, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. 

Pack some healthy, nutritious snacks. Nuts, seasonal fruit or veg sticks are some easy options. 

To help curb your cravings while you’re travelling. Keeping you full and satisfied. 

So you won’t be tempted by the airport fast food chains or petrol station meal deals. 


2. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can  sneak up on you during travelling or the busy festive period. 

Which is why carrying a reusable water bottle is the perfect way to keep you on track. 

Easy to carry around with you and refill when needed. Even at the airport.

What’s more, water will help fortify your immune system and keep your blood sugar in check. 

So instead of calorie packed coffees or sugary soft drinks, why not try some natural flavoured water? 

Simply add fruit or herbs to your water for an extra flavour. A great way to motivate you to stay on top of your drinking goals. Cranberries, cucumber, mint or rosemary can be perfect choices for the season. 


3. (Try To) Stick To A Routine 

Holidays can throw your daily routines off balance. Especially when it comes to your sleep. 

So aim to stick to your normal sleep pattern as closely as possible.

Packing an eye mask or some earplugs can also help you get a restful night’s sleep, even in noisy environments. 

What’s more, if you’re regularly taking medication, it’s a good idea to set a reminder alarm on your phone. As the holidays bring multiple distractions, which could easily lead to missed doses. 


4. Don’t Forget Your Vitamin D

With reduced daylight around this time of year, comes a lack of vitamin D. 

So make sure you step outside the house when you can for a short walk, a stroll or even sitting in the garden for 5 minutes. 

This will not only support our vitamin D production, but also your mental well-being. 

Eating foods rich in vitamin D is also a great way to help your body during winter. Salmon, cheese boards, mushrooms and eggs are a great vitamin D source for an extra boost. 

This is crucial for your bones, brain health and energy levels. Keeping you in top form to enjoy the festivities.


5. Prioritise “Me Time”

The holidays can be busy and stressful. So now it’s even more important to allow yourself time to recharge. 

Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation, a short walk, a soothing bubble bath, or simply unwinding with a good book…

These can work wonders in keeping stress at bay, without taking up too much time. Because as they say: to look after others, you have to look after yourself first…


Final Thoughts

Balancing health amid all the festivities doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, it’s all about making conscious choices. Supporting your well-being while also relishing in the joy of the season. 

And don’t forget, the holidays only come once a year. So do make sure you’re kind to yourself and allow room for a little indulgence too. 

After all, you deserve it!

